
Certificate admitting Samuel Argall to the degree of Doctor of Medicine at the University of Padua

Original drawings for Lister's 'Conchology'

Volume entitled: "The Method of Building, Rigging, Apparelling and Furnishing his Majesty's Ships of Warr, according to their Rates - with The Exact Proportion and Charge of all Things requisite thereunto"

Volume entitled: "The length of all the Mastes and yards of his Ma[jesty's] ships and Pinnaces; A proportion of cables and anchors to furnish them to sea; All their standing roapes; Dimentions of their boates; Breadth and depth of their sayles; their burthen, number of men and ordnance."

Volume bearing the title "Le Trésor des Trésors" (The Treasure of the Treasures)

Torn note referring to a payment of £5.0.0

Note regarding £18.0.0 received from J S Raisbeck for £800.0.0 on the Sugar House mortgage to Cuthbert Burrell

Obligation between Benjamin Davison and William Raisbeck

Legal agreement regarding the transfer of land in the East fields; 7 acres In le Eastfeild; land at Wrydike; Corne Close and 7 acres in le Eastfeild

Bills paid by Mr Raisbeck to Mrs Bone

[Letter] London [to] Mr Goodrich, Portsea or at Mr Peake's Dockyard, Portsmouth/ Sam[ue]l Rehe. [He has received, for Goodrich, the Society of Arts' premium of £65]

Pages 14 and 15 of the Robert Stephenson & Co Ltd minute book no.1

Legal agreement regarding transfer of land at Corne Close and Wrydyke

A collection of glass lantern slides capturing the development of flight from an early set of images from the 1909 aviation meeting held at Reims, France through to images of aircraft from Imperial Airways and flying boats in the late Thirties.

The History of Aircraft and Flying


The Loyal Protestant and True Domestick Intelligence, or, News both from City and Countrey.


The Domestick Intelligence Or News both from City and Country Impartially Related


Heraclitus Ridens: at A Dialogue between Fest and Earnest, concerning the Times


Receipt of £1,360 for land sold by Sir John Pettus


Certificate admitting Robert Yeff, joiner and instrument maker to the Freedom of the City of Bristol


Broadsheet: Sir William Petty's Plan for a system of instruction relative to the business of the Marine Department, in the same words as the original; but with the articles transposed, and marginal titles, supplemental titles, and remarks added


Letter from John Flamsteed to Reverend John Smith


French technical drawing of a 'niveau a Lunette'


Letter from Robert Boyle to Sir Robert Southwell


Map entitled: "The waste or Common (in the forest of Roch .. Neroch) of the Mannor of Broadway, now the Lands of Sr Robert Heath knight, his ma[jes]ties Attor. Generall, doe containe 1006 acres where of waies 16 acres 1/2"


A manuscript alchemical paper

12 items

Folder of photos entitled '12 Wembley Snapshots'

192 photographic prints

Foulsham and Banfield Ltd Collection

c. 2 linear meters

Photocopies of manuscripts of Thomas Harriot compiled from various repositories and private collections

1 item

Drawing of Cape Government Railway 3'6" Gauge Locomotive

1 item

Drawing of Rohilkund & Kumaon Railway 3'3 3/8" Gauge Locomotive

1 item

Drawing of South Eastern and Chatham Railway 6 Wheel 3300G Water Capacity 4.5T Fuel Capacity 4'8 1/2 " Gauge Tender

1 item

Drawing of 6 Wheel 2350G Water Capacity 250 Cubic Feet 3'6" Gauge Tender General Arrangement

1 item

Drawing of 6 Wheel 3000G Water Capacity 7T Fuel Capacity 5'6" Gauge Tender General Arrangement

1 item

Drawing of 8 Wheel 300G Water Capacity 170 Cubic Feet 5'6" Gauge Tender General Arrangement

1 item

Drawing of 3'6" Gauge Locomotive

1 item

Drawing of 4-4-0 4'8 1/2" Gauge Tender General Arrangement

1 item

Drawing of 6 Wheel 2470G Water Capacity 260 Cubic Feet Fuel Capacity 3'6" Gauge Tender General Arrangement

1 item

Drawing of Indian Midland 5'6" Gauge Locomotive

1 item

Drawing of 5'5 13/16" Gauge Locomotive

1 item

Drawing of 6 Wheel 200G Water Capacity 200 Cubic Feet 5'6" Gauge Tender General Arrangement

1 item

Drawing of 2'6" Gauge Locomotive

1 item

Drawing of 2'6" Gauge Locomotive

1 item

Drawing of Indian Midland 5'6" Gauge Locomotive

1 item

Drawing of South Eastern & Chatham Railway 4'8 1/2" Gauge Locomotive Photocopy

Overall, 760mm x 1016mm

Cinema advertising poster for "The Doctor in the Nude" and "Mama's Dirty Girls"

Contact sheet and negatives NASH A4 14 USN

Nashville, c. 1971

1 item

Photograph printed onto a large board showing cars in operation around a bend on the Never-Stop Railway

166p + plates

Second Report from the Select Committee upon the Improvement of the Port of London

5 issues

Public Affairs Digest - Prepared by the Public Affairs Department for executives closely concerned with Laporte's corporate policies

Contact strip and Negatives

Freddy Fixer Parade May 1964 DIX 72